Sunday, September 18, 2011

I've been writing a children's book on PTSD for a most recent draft

I was disgusted one evening when my kids were asking me about what was going on with their dad, and I couldn't find a single book or article aimed at their level.  I intend to finish this book, and add discussion points to each page for parents and children to talk about AND writing one at my older child's level.  I'm still looking for an illustrator, and this is nothing more than a rough draft….but it’s my start.
I’d love to hear HONEST opinions on it, don’t hold back and don’t worry about my feelings.....

PTSD, My Daddy & Me

When I was little, my Daddy went to war.
I was so excited when he came home & so was he.
But Daddy wasn't happy, he was sad and angry all the time.
 Mommy said he got sick when he was gone-he has PTSD.

Sometimes my Daddy is a lot of fun-
we play baseball and go swimming and go to the park.
But sometimes, all my dad wants to do is sit in his room alone.
Sometimes he even cries.
Mommy says he's thinking about the things that made him sick.

When Daddy is sad I try to cheer him up.
I'll bring him a drink & candy and lots of hugs and kisses.
He always loves when I do that!
But sometimes it doesn't make the sad go away.
Mommy says it's not my fault
Daddy is sick-he has PTSD.

When Daddy is really mad he yells a LOT.
Sometimes he throws stuff and sometimes he even breaks things.
Sometimes I get scared,
but Mommy said it's her job to protect me
and she won't ever let me get hurt.

When I get mad I try to yell & break stuff too!
Mommy & Daddy said I can't do that.
Daddy tries very had not to do those things, and he even sees aDoctor to help him control his temper
because Daddy is sick-he has PTSD

On The 4th of July I was so excited to go see the fireworks!
They are so cool and pretty and loud!!!
Daddy doesn't like the fireworks anymore.
Mommy said they give him "flashbacks" and make him think of when he was in war-
Because Daddy is sick-he has PTSD.

AT Christmas my whole family celebrates together at a big party.
It is so much fun and everyone is there...
Except Daddy
Mommy said being around a lot of people & noise makes him nervous and upset-
Because Daddy is sick-he has PTSD

One night Daddy heard me crying in my room.
He asked me what was wrong and I said
“Daddy, you are sick-you have PTSD"
Daddy scooped me up in his arms and said
"Little one, I try every day to get better.
I see Doctors who help me all the time.
I know I'm a different Daddy than before,
And I know some days I'm sad and some days I'm mad
But we'll be okay, because I love you and you love me back"

My Daddy is sick
He has PTSD
But he still loves me!!


  1. I really like this. My only comment is that I'm not sure if you have to repeat the Because Daddy is sick - he has PTSD at the end of almost every stanza. I think it is good at the beginning but then maybe shorten it to My Daddy is sick or My Daddy has PTSD. Just a thought.

  2. You've got me crying. I just want to hug you and your kids. This is beautiful.

  3. Hi,

    Just read your children's story "PTSD, My Daddy and Me." Great job. Are you going to get it illustrated and find a publisher? I think your book could help a lot of children.

    Take care and keep speaking out on this.

    All the best,

    Kathleen M. Rodgers

    author of the award-winning novel "The Final Salute"

  4. I, too have PTSD. I have to live an isolated lifestyle, and away from people. I have no friends, I am distant from my family. I have to live this way to protect other people from myself.


All I ask, is if you have anything to say, SAY IT! I have thick skin. If you think you are going to hurt my feelings, you may...but that same comment may also help me.